Sunday, January 27, 2013

What will I miss?

People often ask me what I miss most when I travel overseas to low-income countries. The most obvious answer is my friends, family, and cat. But really, who are we kidding...the answer is always hot showers. I love water. Whether its swimming or taking long showers or baths. I need water. While I will actually be living in a pretty nice place in The Gambia (I have running water and electricity!), I won't have hot water on tap. Most Americans don't realize that hot, running water is a luxury. I haven't even left yet (I'm waiting in Chicago for my flight to Brussels) and I already miss hot showers! I may end up taking bucket baths just so I can add a pot of boiling water and have a hot bucket of water!

But i don't want you to think poorly of the Gambia! Hot water heaters do exist and I was lucky enough to have one at the house I stayed at while I was a visiting professor in December. But the majority of people don't have that luxury here. So just think of how lucky you are to have the opportunity to take a nice hot shower tomorrow morning! And know that I am super jealous!

Now to get ready for my flight. I hope Brussels Airlines give us those lovely waffle snacks for breakfast like the last time I flew through Belgium!

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