Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Arrived safe and sound...if a little tired!

I arrived safely in the Gambia at 12:30 am on Tuesday morning! Quite a bit later than my scheduled arrive due to a mechanical issue in Brussels. I was actually lucky to even make the plane in Brussels since my flight out of Chicago was 3 hours late getting left due to the freezing rain. We sat on the tarmac in Brussels for four hours. It was not my favorite way to spend a delay, but hard to fault the pilot for making our safely a primary concern. Except for the man that did find fault...and made sure everyone in the whole plane was aware of his discontent. This was the first time I've ever seen someone escorted off a plane by security. It gave us a little excitement in an otherwise very boring 8 hour flight. I'm not usually much of a chatty person on planes, but I ended up sitting next to a nice guy from Chicago who was on his way to Sierra Leone to film a local NGO working with disabled women. It was nice to have someone to talk to as we waited...and waited for the plane to take off.

Arriving at the Peace Corps transit house in the middle of the night is not the best way to introduce yourself to the local PCVs. I managed to wake up several of them trying to figure out which room to sleep in. Opps! I got a quick couple hours of sleep and then onto the Peace Corps headquarters to be introduced to everyone and sign a whole bunch of paperwork. I have a little bit of language training and other meetings and then I will be released to my village (and teaching responsibilities) on Sunday. Can't wait to meet my students (I have 48 in my writing skills class!) and get this semester going!

Pleasant surprise...the PC transit house has a hot water heater! So at this for this first week, I'll have the luxury of hot water! Feeling very lucky!

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